JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) handed over bonuses to medal-winning athletes at the 2023 SEA Games Cambodia at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday, June 5. The Indonesian government provides a total bonus of IDR 289 billion.
On this occasion, President Jokowi asked the athletes to make the best use of this bonus. He advised all SEA Games bonus recipients to use bonus money as a long-term investment.
"I ordered, I entrust this bonus to be utilized as well as possible, especially for long-term investment, don't buy luxury goods that are useless," said President Jokowi.
The President said that investment or high investment-valued goods that are medium to long-term have an increasing value.
"If you buy a car now, next year it will be sold in half (the value). The difference is there is investment and not investment. I put it there because the struggle of the brothers and sisters is still long," he said.
The former governor of DKI Jakarta also expressed his appreciation for the medals in the SEA Games in Cambodia which far exceeded the set target.
"I think the bonus is really big. We calculated a total of IDR 289 billion. Athletes, coaches, assistant coaches were all given," said Jokowi, as quoted from Antara, Monday, June 5.
To note, Indonesia is targeting the acquisition of 69 gold medals. In fact, the Indonesian contingent managed to get 87 gold medals in addition to 80 silver medals and 109 bronze medals.
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What was surprising, said Jokowi, was that the women's basketball team had not won gold for 64 years, but at the SEA Games they won gold.
There is also the men's indoor hockey team and women's cricket which for the first time won gold medals, as well as the football national team that won gold after 32 years.
"I think the current community is very happy and proud of the jump in gold medals in 87 medals," he said.
"On behalf of the people, people, nation, state, I express my gratitude and appreciation for the struggle of my brothers and sisters, all good medalists, athletes, coaches, assistant coaches, assistants and all who have worked hard to achieve it," concluded President Jokowi.
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