
YOGYAKARTA Judo and Ju Jitusu are martial arts from Japan. Judo and Ju Jitsu are often considered the same type of self-defense, because there are many similarities in their movements. Well, in this article, the difference between Judo and Ju Jits will be discussed. Read it all the way to the end, yes!

Judo is a defensive martial art developed from jujitsu. Thus, it can be said that Judo is a derivative of jujitsu.

In ancient Japan, Ju Jitsu was used by samurai. Ju Jitsu has a complete fighting system, because it includes punches, kicks, wrestling, to sword games.

This is different from judo, which only takes one part, namely in the form of a defensive fight. In Judo's martial arts, the movements carried out are purely throwing, taking the floor, strangling, and locking the arms.

Meanwhile, in jujitsu, the movement is more varied because it includes attacks and blocks. Jujitsu practitioners are referred to as dyon koryu ju televisi, while judo practitioners are called judoka.

The difference between judo and other jujitsu, Judo did not use weapons. Meanwhile, in jujitsu, they are taught to use weapons, such as knives and weighted chains.

The motive developed in judo is peace and respect, while Jujitsu is motivated by fighting and war.

In terms of technique, these two types of martial arts are also different. The well-known judo technique is the throwing technique (age waza), the sacrifice technique (sutemi waza), the standing technique (tachi waza), and the wrestling technique (katame waza).

In jujitsu, the techniques used are attacking (athemi waza), strangulation or strangling (shime waza), soil engineering (katami waza), vital points, striking nerves, manipulation, throwing technique (nage waza) and joint manipulation (kensetsu waza).

This is information about differences in judo and jujitsu, two defensive martial arts originating from Japan. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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