JAKARTA - Secretary of the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud MD, Hasto Kristiyanto, said that the pressure on the team and those who voiced the truth in the 2024 presidential election had begun to be felt.
This was conveyed by Hasto on the sidelines of the National Consolidation of TPN Ganjar-Mahfud at the Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, Jakarta. This activity was attended by thousands of Regional Winning Teams (TPD) because they at the same time prepared various strategies.
"The pressure is there, especially this is also related, yes. If we look at the constitution, it can be intervened, even though it is a judicial institution, let alone something else," Hasto told reporters, Saturday, November 18.
Hasto then detailed a number of intimidation against those who spoke up. Among them, Executive Director of Charta Politica Indonesia Yunarto Wijaya who took pictures of the fact that Ganjar-Mahfud's electability had risen and social media activist Ulin Ni'am Yusron.
Then, from the party bearing the bull symbol, there were also those who were under pressure, namely, Adian Napitupulu. "So, the various signals already exist," said the PDIP Secretary General.
"But for us when politics is driven by belief for the future of the nation and state, and has strong roots in the history of how power is for the people, how reform is indeed to inflame the spirit of anti-collusion, nepotism, and corruption," he continued.
Moreover, these various pressures did not make Ganjar-Mahfud supporters and truth speakers, afraid.
"The proof is that the people provide support. When there is pressure to remove Pak Ganjar-Prof Mahfud's billboards, the people provide their homes. This is, right, the essence of people moving. This then looks different from the others," said Hasto.
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Hasto revealed that there had been discussions with the winning team Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN) which experienced similar pressure. The two camps are said to have agreed to maintain the ongoing democracy, especially in the midst of the 2024 presidential election.
"We also build communication with AMIN because we feel the same way. So this is what we straighten out so that democracy is in its corridor, democracy is in the people who make decisions, not in the elite and it must be built a narrative for the future," he said.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Andika Perkasa said this pressure made his party will form a post and be inaugurated tomorrow. Thus, the 2024 presidential election can run peacefully.
"What is clear tomorrow will be to inaugurate nationally. The point is this task force or this post to guard honesty and justice," said Andika at the same location.
"So an honest and fair election is a joint commitment so we are sure of the existence of a post or task force in the area which I think will also be more massive if this is carried out by all Indonesian people," concluded the former TNI Commander.
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