JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) found evidence of alleged riots while searching the office of Member VI BPK RI Pius Lustrilanang on Wednesday, November 15. One of the things that investigators found was financial records.
Pius' name was later allegedly dragged into the alleged bribery audit of the Southwest Papua Province BPK. Acting Regent of Sorong Yan Piet Mosso was named a suspect after being caught in a hand arrest operation (OTT) on Sunday night, November 12.
"At that place, evidence was found and secured, among others, related to various documents, financial records and electronic evidence," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters in a written statement, Friday, November 17.
This finding is strongly suspected to be related to the case that ensnared Yan. Furthermore, Ali said, investigators will analyze it.
"Confiscation and analysis still need to be done to complete the investigation case file," he said.
In this case, the KPK named Acting Regent Sorong Yan Piet Mosso along with five other people as suspects in alleged bribery in conditioning the findings of the Southwest Papua Province BPK examination in Sorong Regency.
The other five are the Head of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) of Sorong Regency, Efer Segidifat; BPKAD staff of Sorong Regency Manuel Syatfle; Head of BPK Representative for Southwest Papua Province Patrice Lumumba Sihombing; Head of Subaud BPK of Southwest Papua Province Abu Hanifa; and Head of the Audit Team David Patasaung.
اقرأ أيضا:
The KPK received initial findings that Yan gave money to his subordinates to be handed over to the Southwest Papua Province BPK amounting to Rp940 million. In addition, there is also the provision of a Rolex watch brand.
Meanwhile, Patrice, who is the Head of the Papua Province BPK Representative Office along with two of his subordinates, received Rp1.8 billion. The six suspects were entangled in the OTT conducted by the KPK on Sunday night, November 12 yesterday.
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