
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, several times absent from the summons for investigation by Polda Metro Jaya regarding the alleged extortion case against the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo. However, Firli promised to provide information to investigators in the near future.

Firli Bahuri was originally scheduled to undergo an examination on November 7. However, absent on the grounds of official activities.

So, the KPK chairman asked investigators to reschedule. Polda Metro Jaya then scheduled it on November 14. However, Firli was no longer present.

His absence at the examination on the grounds that he had to provide information at the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) on the same day. However, Firli had emphasized that he would fulfill the summons of the Polda Metro Jaya on another day.

"I will come in the near future but not today," said Firli, November 14.

In fact, Firli was reluctant to be called absent from several summons for examination. The reason is that the KPK Legal Bureau has always coordinated with Polda Metro Jaya investigators regarding the reasons for his absence.

"It has been communicated with the investigators. So it is not true that I was absent. That is the principle. So we will attend," he said.

On the same day, investigators and the KPK Legal Bureau agreed to schedule an examination of Firli Bahuri on Thursday, November 16. The examination will take place at Bareskrim Polri.

"Confirmation of the presence of FB as the Chairman of the Indonesian KPK to be present to provide his testimony as a witness before investigators on Thursday, November 16, 2023, in the retail room of the Dittipidkor Dittipidkor Bareskrim Polri on the 6th floor of the Police Criminal Investigation Building," said the Director of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirkrimsus) Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak.

This scheduling was carried out after investigators received a confirmation letter from the KPK regarding Firli Bahuri's willingness to be examined. The letter was received today.

During the examination later, the joint investigator will ask for information from the KPK chairman.

"As a follow-up, joint investigators from the Tipidkor Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya and the Dittipidkor Bareskrim Polri have been prepared to conduct an examination of the FB Chairman of the KPK RI," said Ade.

In the alleged extortion case carried out by the KPK leadership against SYL, investigators believe that there was a violation of Article 12 letter e, Article 12 letter B and or Article 11 of the Corruption Crime Law Junto Article 65 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

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