JAKARTA - Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya and the Directorate of Corruption Crimes (Dittipikor) Bareskrim Polri again examined the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri as witnesses in the alleged extortion case against former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL). Deputy Director of Corruption Crimes (Wadirtipkor) of the National Police, Kombes Pol Arief Adiharsa, said the examination of Firli Bahuri was scheduled at 10.00 WIB in the Dittipokor Bareskrim examination room. The National Police on the VI.' (Inspection) at 10.00 WIB, said Arief, Thursday, November 16. The day before, last Wednesday, joint investigators examined two witnesses, namely the Director of Gratification and Public Services of the KPK, Herda Helmijaya, at Bareskrim Polri and one other witness was examined at the Sub-Directorate of Corruption, Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya. The examination of the Director of Gratification and Public Services of the KPK, Herda Helmijaya, was examined from 10.00 to 13.00 WIB. Arief said there were 13 The investigators asked questions about what the witness knew regarding his position. Separately, the Director of Special Crime Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Ade Safri said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri had confirmed his presence in the examination as a witness in the extortion case against former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo on Thursday. According to Ade, investigators from the Corruption Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya on Tuesday received a letter from the KPK regarding confirmation Firli Bahuri as the Chairman of the KPK to be present to provide testimony as a witness. "A letter from the KPK RI regarding confirmation of the presence of FB as the Chairman of the KPK RI to be present to provide testimony as a witness before investigators on Thursday, November 16, 2023," said Ade. Ferli previously did not attend the investigators' summons to provide further information on Tuesday, citing the examination schedule with the examination in conjunction with the examination in question at the Supervisory Board (Dewas). Previously, Firli Bahuri had also been questioned at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police in the same case on Tuesday, October 24, 2023. Thursday morning, Firli was again questioned by the Police in the SYLJAKARTA Extortion Case - Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya and the Directorate of Corruption Crime (Dittipikor) Bareskrim Polri again examined the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri as a witness in the alleged extortion case against former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL). Deputy Director of Criminal Acts Korupsi (Wadirtipkor) Bareskrim Polri Kombes Pol Arief Adiharsa mengatakan pemeriksaan terhadap Firli Bahuri dijadwalkan pada pukul 10.00 WIB di ruang pemeriksaan Dittipokor Bareskrim Polri lantai VI.(Pemeriksaan) jam 10.00 WIB, kata Arief, Kamis 16 November.Sehari sebelumnya, Rabu kemarinnya, penyidik gabungan memeriksa dua orang saksi, yakni Direktur Gratifikasi dan Pelayanan Publik KPK Herda Helmijaya di Bareskrim Polri dan satu orang saksi lainnya diperiksa di Subdit Tipikor Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya. The examination of the Director of Gratification and Public Services of the KPK, Herda Helmijaya, was examined from 10.00 to 13.00 WIB. Arief said there were 13 questions asked by investigators about what the witness knew regarding his position. Separate, Director of Special Crime Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Ade Safri said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri had confirmed his presence in the examination as a witness in the extortion case against his former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo on Thursday. According to Ade, investigators from the Corruption Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya on Tuesday received a letter from the KPK regarding Firli Bahuri's confirmation as the Chair of the KPK to be present to provide testimony as a witness. "The letter from the KPK RI is related to confirmation of the presence of FB as the Chairman of the KPK RI to be present to provide testimony as a witness before investigators on Thursday, November 16, 2023," said Ade.
اقرأ أيضا:
Firli was previously not present to fulfill the investigator's summons to provide further information on Tuesday, citing the examination schedule along with the examination of the person concerned at the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas). Previously, Firli Bahuri had also been questioned at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit in the same case on Tuesday, October 24, 2023.
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