
The strict security of the KPU and Bawaslu Offices carried out by the Central Java Police during the election received appreciation from the Chairman of the KPU and Bawaslu Central Java.

The head of the Central Java Provincial KPU, Handi Tri Ujiono, said that the security carried out strongly supports the KPU's task in holding the 2024 General Election.

"We really appreciate the greeting carried out, this supports our task so that we feel comfortable in the service process and holding the 2024 General Election," said Handi Tri Ujiono in a written statement received, Friday, November 10.

A similar statement was also conveyed by the Chairman of the Central Java Bawaslu, Muhammad Amin, He hoped that the security could support the holding of elections that were successful in being safe, peaceful and with integrity.

"For the security carried out by the Police, we are very grateful. Hopefully this can be successful in elections that are safe and with integrity," he said.

The KPU and Bawaslu offices are vital objects for the 2024 General Election which must be continuously guarded by police officers who are members of the 2023-2024 Mantab Brata Candi Ops, especially the Preventive Task Force.

This was stated by the Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol. Satake Bayu, who stated that the Central Java Police had prepared all needs related to securing all stages of the 2024 election, the stages of which had started in October 2023.

"Security officers have been deployed to guard the offices for holding the 2024 General Election, including the KPU and Bawaslu offices," said Kombes Pol Satake Bayu

He added that this security is important considering that the 2024 General Election is considered a crucial moment in Indonesian democracy so that it can take place cool, safe, peaceful, and dignified, so as to produce leaders who are able to bring the Indonesian state to be even better.

"This is a big responsibility that we hold, and we are committed to carrying it out well," he said.

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