
BEKASI - Polda Metro Jaya has named 11 suspects in the shooting case against GR in Bekasi. From the results of the investigation and examination, the motive behind the case is an old grudge.

"The results of our investigation or our investigators show that this case actually has the motive of conflict between several groups whose sources are not in Jakarta, which occurred in September 2023 in Maluku," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Monday, November 6.

"So this is the motive for revenge," he continued.

From these conflicts and grudges, the 6-member Nus Kei group, including GR, intends to attack Jhon Kei's group.

They have prepared sharp weapons (sajam) to attack. However, when the attack occurred, Jhon Kei's group was ready.

They fought back using firearms (senpi). Thus, GR was shot and killed.

"We obtained evidence from the digital results of CCTV forensics at the time of the attack," said Hengki.

With this evidence, the two suspects who are still at large are asked to surrender. Because, his identity is known.

"There are still 2 DPOs that we will continue to pursue and we urge them to surrender, otherwise we will take firm action," said Hengki.

In this case, the perpetrators in the case were charged with Article 169 concerning participating in unlawful acts, as well as Article 358 of the Criminal Code and Article 335 of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, the suspect in the shooting on behalf of suspect Felix, is suspected of under Article 340 and Article 338 with a maximum threat of 20 years.

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