
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion received compensation of around Rp. 5.7 billion from two airlines, namely Garuda Indonesia and Saudi Airlines, as a result of services that were not in accordance with commitments during the departure of the 2023 Hajj pilgrims.

"Regarding flights, we have held talks. Regarding Garuda and Saudi Airlines services, we have received compensation," said Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas at a Working Meeting with Commission VIII DPR as reported by ANTARA, Monday, November 6.

Yaqut detailed that Garuda Indonesia provided compensation of around Rp. 1.5 billion. Meanwhile, Saudi Airlines is around Rp. 4.1 billion.

This compensation was given for the delay in flights by pilgrims to Saudi Arabia and a number of services deemed inconsistent with the agreed initial commitment.

"These numbers are the middle ground so that what has been noted can then be accommodated and get a nominal calculation," said Yaqut.

In addition to receiving compensation, the Ministry of Religion also provided a number of notes to the two airlines for service improvements on next year's Hajj season flights.

One response to the note, Yaqut said, Saudi Airlines authorities said that they had chartered an early plane for pilgrims for Hajj 1445 Hijri/2024 AD.

"One of the things that was conveyed from the record was that they (Saudi Airlines) had rented several planes earlier for our Hajj," said Yaqut.

Meanwhile, for compensation for Mashariq services in Arafah, Mina, and Muzdalifah (Armuzna), the Ministry of Religion has yet to obtain the results of investigations from Saudi authorities.

"So far we have not received an investigation and what compensation has been given," he said.

Previously, in a Working Meeting with Commission VIII of the DPR RI, the Ministry of Religion said that the quota for the additional 20 thousand hajj people had not yet been massive in the E-Hajj system.

The government is currently encouraging the Government of Saudi Arabia to immediately include it in the E-Hajj so that it becomes a guide in preparation for the implementation of the Hajj pilgrimage 1445 Hijri/2024 AD.

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