Palestinian Defending Action, McDonald's Logo In Sarinah Covered In Black Cloth
The McDonald's outlet logo in the Sarinah area, Thamrin, Jakarta was closed when the Palestinian defense action was held in the Monas area on Sunday 5 November. (Jehan-VOI)


The McDonald's outlet logo in the Sarinah area, Thamrin, Jakarta was covered with black cloth when the Palestinian defense action was held in the National Monument (Monas) area on Sunday 5 November.

Based on VOI monitoring at the location at around 10:44 WIB, apart from the black cloth covering the logo, the capat food restaurant did not appear to be operating.

It appears that two McDonald's security officers are on guard at the entrance to the restaurant. Also seen, four TNI officers were on guard.

An unnamed security officer from McDonald's said the restaurant's operations were temporarily closed.

"This is temporarily not open," he said, Sunday, November 5.

He admitted that he did not know when McDonald's Sarinal would return to normal operations. He admitted that he had not received any information regarding this matter.

"I don't know yet, mas (when it opens). So I'm sorry, mas," he said.

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