
TANGERANG - A man named Sopian (38) was reported missing while fishing in the Cimanceuri River, Tangerang Regency, Thursday, November 3. According to eyewitnesses, Sopian disappeared from being eaten by a crocodile in the river.

The Tangerang Regency Fire Department, Solihin, said that his party had visited the scene.

The victim's chances are missing. The witness saw that he was fishing before. He was fishing, it turned out that the victim had either pulled or slipped. Some of the small children's witnesses saw the victim being pulled. (Moreover) in the river, there have always been crocodiles or wild animals," said Solihin when confirmed, Friday, November 3.

Solihin also said the search was temporarily halted to see the river currents and the conditions were quite dangerous to conduct searches.

"For now, I don't do the search. If it's 5 o'clock, the myth is already dangerous," he said.

Furthermore, Solihin said that his party would coordinate with Basarnas to search for victims tomorrow, Saturday, November 4.

"God willing, tomorrow Basarnas and the Tangerang Damkar will conduct a search," he concluded.

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