
The Surakarta City Police (Polresta) are ready to deploy their members to maintain security in anticipation of a crime case at Haul Ke-112 Habib Ali bin Muhammad Al-Habsyi which will be held in Solo City, Central Java, from November 1 to 6, 2023.

Head of the Surakarta Police's Kliwon Market Police, AKP Sugiyanto, said that several steps were taken to minimize crimes by often committing criminal acts by utilizing people who gathered at an event, such as Haul Ali bin Muhammad Al-Habsyi.

"Security forces have prepared security openly, where there will be members in uniform patrolling by walking in the area where the event is located," said Sugiyanto in Solo, Wednesday, November 1, which was confiscated by Antara.

In addition, security is closed, members are dressed normally, mixed with baur with the congregation. During the event, police-TNI personnel and the Surakarta City Government were also on standby at the security post.

To people who feel they are victims of crime, Sugiyanto invites to report to the post or can go directly to the Polsek Office so that it can be followed up quickly.

Sugiyanto explained that since the beginning of this week, his party had held a coordination meeting with the organizing committee, sub-districts, sub-districts, to RT and RW heads around the Haul location. In addition to security, the problem that is anticipated is the waste problem.

Kali Lima (PKL) traders who sell are required to have plastic bags. Thus, garbage is not scattered on the road. Then the vehicle is immediately directed to the parking location. The police fully back up related to security and full security.

He explained that the ranks of the Kliwon Market Police had also carried out monitoring at the location. Although the peak of the event is scheduled for November 4-5, there have been several activities that have been held, as well as several congregants both from within the city and outside the city have also arrived in Solo City.

"I checked the congregation from Semarang as many as two large buses, approximately 100 people, were dominated by women. However, in the south of the tomb, tents had been installed to accommodate the congregation who came. At the peak of the event, the results of the last meeting, like the previous year, could be above 5,000 people," he said.

He admitted that he did not monitor the lodging at the congregation. However, from coordination, there are indeed people who make their homes where the congregation is staying, then home stay, and Islamic boarding schools also provide a place to stay. Habib Novel's Islamic boarding school provides a place and can accommodate 3.000 people.

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