
JAKARTA - Deputy head of the Lebanese-based Hamas political bureau Saleh al-Arouri said the fighting had not yet begun, revealing that he had met Hezbollah's leader.

In a telephone interview with al-Manar, Hezbollah TV channel, al-Arouri said Hamas leaders continued to communicate with Hezbollah.

Al-Arouri also revealed he met with Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah on October 7, the day Hamas attacks on Israel, but not all of their meetings were published.

"Our battle is also Hezbollah's battle," he said as reported by The Times of Israel, October 26.

In a publication published yesterday, Al-Arouri was seen holding a meeting with Nasrallah and Islamic Jihad Leader Ziad al-Nakhaleh.

"If an enemy enters by land, it will be an unprecedented defeat (for Israel)," he warned, referring to estimates of Israel's ground attack on Gaza, claiming the group was in good condition despite being attacked by Israel.

Regarding the hostages detained by Hamas, al Arouri said other nationals were 'guests'. However, Israeli prisoners will be exchanged for Hamas detainees in Israel. It is known, many of the hostages numbered about 220 people have foreign citizenship.

As previously reported, Lebanese militant group leader Hezbollah, as well as Palestinian Islamic Hamas and Jihad held a meeting to discuss steps the alliance must take to win.

"The assessment is carried out against international positions taken and what the Resistance Axis must do, to realize a real victory for resistance in Gaza and Palestine, to stop brutal aggression," Hezbollah said.

"There is an agreement to continue coordination," continued Hezbollah.

It is known, since the Hamas attack on October 7, armed clashes broke out on the Israeli-Lebanon border almost daily.

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