Pak Lurah Promises To Buy Computers For Teenagers In Manggarai To Be Busy And Not Brawl
Manggarai Village Head, Arafat/ Photo: IST


JAKARTA - Manggarai Village Head, Arafat said he would facilitate training for teenagers in his area so that they are busy and do not carry out brawls that have made them restless.

"Later it will be accommodated and will be prioritized for Manggarai residents, maybe they want computers, then they will be directed to computer training, air conditioning service training," Arafat told reporters, Wednesday, October 25.

He admitted that the request for training was actually from teenagers in the area. However, not all of them participated in the training program.

"Yes, the children around here and it has actually been accommodated in Musrembang. 'What do you want', 'I want to take a driving course, sir' Because Musrembang is a suggestion from below, not from the village, but from RT, from residents," he said.

"For the details of how much, I honestly don't have data specifics. But whether or not there are people who participate in training," he continued.

The brawl between groups has occurred again in Manggarai, South Jakarta. The police investigated the protesters. Because, it is known that the motive for the outbreak of the brawl was because a group of youths were not allowed to enter the bazaar area.

Jamalinus revealed that until now his party is still determining what the main cause is. But what is certain is that the brawlers carry sharp weapons, throw bottles and carry broken bundles.

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