
JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPR RI BKSAP, Fadli Zon, who led the Indonesian delegation, submitted a resolution to stop the attacks and blockade of Gaza at the continuation of the 147th IPU General Session in Luanda, Angola, 24 October 2023. The proposed draft resolution was entitled Stopping war and human rights violations in Gaza. After the vote, the resolution was supported by 60.2 percent of parliament, but had not received two-thirds of the vote.

The attitudes of members of the IPU World Parliament are divided, between those who support Palestine and those who support Israel. In general, Asian, African and Middle Eastern countries support Palestine. Western countries and parts of Latin America support Israel.

Stop the Attack

Through a resolution which was also sponsored by Kuwait and Algeria on behalf of countries belonging to the Arab Group, South Africa representing the African Group countries and Iran, the Indonesian DPR Delegation emphasized four points, namely urging various parties to stop Israel's attacks on Gaza through a ceasefire. , opened the blockade of Gaza for humanitarian access, asked the international community to be more objective and fair and together find a long-term solution for peace in Palestine.

Chairman of BKSAP DPR RI Fadli Zon delivered a presentation of the draft resolution on the emergency item in front of the President of the IPU, the Secretary General of the IPU, the Speakers of Parliament and all members of the IPU General Assembly delegation from around 130 IPU member countries who attended Luanda.

In his presentation, Fadli emphasized that Israel had committed war crimes in Gaza in various inhumane ways. As a result of these brutal actions, more than 4,500 people died including babies, children, women and elderly residents. It didn't stop there, more than 10,000 people were injured and around 2 million Gaza residents were isolated so they had no access to food supplies, electricity, medicine and medical equipment.

"Israel blindly and openly committed war crimes, killing civilians including babies, children and women. They also indiscriminately attacked journalists, hospital patients, UN staff, medical workers and even refugee convoys. "The attacks have destroyed houses, hospitals, schools, mosques and other public infrastructure," said Fadli.

UN Critics

Apart from that, the Member of Commission I DPR RI also criticized the inability of the UN and the international community to stop the oppression and occupation of Palestinians in Gaza since several decades ago. UN bodies, especially the UN Security Council, did not work effectively in resolving the conflict.

"The current situation in Gaza is the result of the silence of the international community, the double standards of Western countries in assessing the conflict in Palestine, and the failure of international organizations such as the UN to enforce international law to uphold global justice, protect people's lives and fulfill human rights. " he said.

The Deputy Chair of the Gerindra Party Advisory Board also added that the current attack on Gaza adds to Israel's bad record of actions against Palestinians including repeated desecration of the Al-Aqsa Complex, annexation of Palestinian land, provocation of anti-Palestinian sentiment, and continuing widespread Judaization. , torture of Palestinian prisoners, and the blockade and isolation of the Gaza Strip since 2006.

With this proposed resolution, the DPR RI through BKSAP DPR RI has succeeded in mobilizing world parliamentary solidarity to make the Palestinian issue an important topic that is always touched on in various IPU Session sessions.

The 147th IPU General Session was held at the Parliament of the Republic of Angola on 21-27 October 2022. In this series of sessions, several issues were also discussed such as orphanage trafficking at the Democracy and Human Rights Commission, the issue of the use of Artificial Intelligence in the military world at the Political and Security Commission International, as well as various other global issues.

Accompanying Fadli Zon, also present at the voting session were the Deputy Chairmen of BKSAP Sukamta (F-PKS) and Putu Supadma Rudana (F-Demokrat) as well as Ratih Megasari Singkarru, Member of BKSAP DPR RI from the Nasdem Party Fraction.

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