
JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) officially formed the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) to handle reports of alleged violations of the code of ethics of the Constitutional Court judge on the decision on the age limit of the presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate. The Constitutional Court judge Enny Nurbaningsih said, MKMK was formed because the nine Constitutional Court judges could not decide the report regarding the alleged violation of the code of ethics of the judge itself. "So we have held a meeting of the judge's deliberation to move to form the Constitutional Court Honorary Council or MKMK," said Enny at the Constitutional Court building, Central Jakarta, Monday, 23 October. In the Constitutional Court Regulation Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Constitutional Court Honorary Council, the formation of the MKMK is ad hoc with a term of 3 years. The composition of the Constitutional Court consists of 1 Constitutional Justice, 1 community figure, and 1 academic who is set in the field of law. Enny explained that so far his party has received at least 7 reports on violations of the code of ethics and code of conduct of the Constitutional Court judges with reporters from various circles. The reported material is an alleged violation of the ethics of the Constitutional Court judges who granted the requirements of the experienced presidential and vice presidential candidates to become regional heads even though they are not yet 40 years old. Then, there are also reports asking the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman to resign. There are also those who report the nine judges of the Constitutional Court, starting from parties who grant the terms of the regional head who have not yet turned 40 years old and vice presidential candidates, to those who issue dissent opinions or different opinions.

"In the near future, it will be formed to immediately work, to then carry out the process according to the procedural law in force within the Constitutional Court to handle at least 7 who have entered here," explained Enny. "So, we have agreed to fully submit this to the Constitutional Court. Let the Constitutional Court work. So, we Constitutional Justices will concentrate on cases that we must handle as under the authority of the Constitutional Court," he continued.

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