
The city of BATU - Gunungan garbage at the Tlekung Final Disposal Site (TPA) located in the Tlekung Village area, Junrejo District, Batu City, East Java (East Java), caught fire.

Head of the Batu City Fire and Rescue Service (DPKP), Supriyanto, said the report of the fire incident at the TPA Tlekung was received at around 12.45 WIB and then immediately sent by personnel to the field.

"Seeing that conditions are increasingly widespread, we finally added one supply car. But because the output capacity is greater than the input, it is finally assisted by the Environmental Service car with two units of tanks," said Supriyanto as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, October 20.

To expand the reach of the fire that burned the piles of garbage, his party again added a fleet of firefighters. Then, there were approximately 36 personnel deployed.

The location of the fire, which is a mountain of garbage, he said, is feared to cause a lot of smoke that could disrupt the extinguishing process, because it has the potential to make it difficult for firefighters to breathe.

"Each team carries out a blackout for about four hours, then we will replace it. Because there is a lot of CO2, it is dangerous if you don't bring an adequate mask," he said.

Regarding the blackout constraints, he continued, strong winds and thick piles of garbage made the firefighters have to really ensure that the water enters so that the quenched waste does not catch fire again.

"The problem is the direction of the wind. The system used to extinguish fires like this should use an injection system," he said.

Regarding how much area the burned area is, his party still does not know for sure because it is still in the process of being extinguished. Until the evening, the process of extinguishing it was still being carried out by dozens of personnel who were also assisted by other relevant agencies.

"About the cause we have not been able to determine, because this is still an effort to extinguish the fire. After completion we can see where the hotspots came from and what the cause was. For the area we have not been able to predict," he said.

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