JAKARTA - Ganjar Pranowo's presidential candidate (candidate) is ready to carry out his duties to bring Indonesia to a better direction if elected with his partner, Mahfud MD.
This was conveyed by Ganjar in his speech in front of the mass of volunteers, the community, the elite of supporting political parties, and the National Team for Winning Ganjar Presiden (GP) at the Proclamation Monument, Jakarta before registering with the General Election Commission (KPU) on Thursday, October 18.
"Bismillah, I and Pak Mahfud will carry out the task," said Ganjar greeted with cheers from his supporters who were present.
"This country must go well, this country must run cleanly, this country must bring itself to anti-corruption and serve the community," he continued.
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On that occasion, Ganjar also emphasized that he came forward with Mahfud MD not for personal or group interests. This is not a story about power, but a story about the fate of the nation, the fate of the people," said the former Governor of Central Java.
There are many things that he thinks should be improved in the future. Including, the welfare of the community, especially teachers to farmers and fishermen.
"We want to appreciate our teachers who are struggling to educate the nation's life but they need good welfare. Our farmers and fishermen are feeding us and need protection from the state. The TNI, Polri, the state civil servants who secure the nation serve the community and protect the community," he said.
So, he is ready to work with Mahfud MD in the future if elected. This is not about Ganjar. This is not about Mahfud MD," concluded Ganjar.
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