
JAKARTA - Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD asked the DKI Provincial Government to intensify the promotion of historic buildings in the capital city. Member of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Ima Mahdiah suggested that the students should also promote. The DKI Education Office, according to Ima, can require students to visit museums and spread them to social media as a form of promotion to the public as schoolwork. “ In my opinion, rather than being promoted, it is better to use school children. Now they are good at making content, and used as a task, Ima said in a written statement, Tuesday, October 17. This suggestion is in response to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's plan to revitalize the Wayang Museum in Kota Tua, Taman Sari, West Jakarta. The revitalization of this museum is budgeted at IDR 30 billion in 2024. In the Jakarta Regional Development Plan (RPD) for 2023-2026, the DKI Provincial Government targets to revitalize two cultural heritages each year. An example of revitalization activities that have been carried out is the re-use of the former Kodim building as Benjamin Sueb Park. In 2026 the DKI Provincial Government will present art centers that are representatives of various types of culture in Indonesia. Secretary of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Johnny Simanjuntak hopes that the total reshuffle, the Wayang Museum can become more modern and be able to attract millennial generation interest in visiting and knowing the history of wayang from all over Indonesia. This is to attract millennials and young people. So I think modernization is a necessity, Jhonny said on Thursday, October 12. Meanwhile, the Head of the Art Museum Management Unit of the Cultural Service, Sri Kusumawati, said that the modernization of the Wayang Museum will combine new technologies and faces which are certainly more modern, and can be enjoyed by all people, especially millennial youth.
"We will propose the use of technology to renovate 360 degrees at the Wayang Museum into a modern museum," he explained.

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