The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police confiscated a firearm (senpi) from Dito Mahendra's hands during his arrest in Bali. The results of the investigation revealed that the gun was legal or licensed.
"Those in Bali are registered. Registered on behalf of Dito himself," said Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro to reporters, Tuesday, October 17.
Although senpi has been declared legal, investigators are still continuing to investigate. This time, regarding the possession of bullets from senpi ammunition found in Bali.
“ There is still an element, namely the possession of the bullet. So we are still investigating, he said.
Meanwhile, regarding other firearms found at his residence, Djuhandhani said that he was still being investigated at the National Police Intelligence and Security Agency (Baintelkam). So far, no results have been received by the Directorate of General Crimes.
Originally, there were nine units of senpi belonging to Dito Mahendra that were not equipped with documents or ownership permits as regulated by the Police. Types, Pistol Clock 17, Revolver S&W, Pistol Clock 19 Zev, Pistol Angstadt Arms, Noveske Rifle Rifle Rifle Rifleworks, AK 101 rifle, Heckler & Koch G 36 rifle, Heckler Pistol & Koch MP5, and Air Rifle Walther.
"The “the weapon is being checked again in Baintel, the results are not yet, we are still waiting," said Djuhandhani.
Meanwhile, Dito Mahendra was arrested at a villa in the Canggu area, Badung Bali, Thursday, September 8. He was arrested alone while on vacation.
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