The Special Criminal Investigation Team of the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office has named two suspects for alleged corruption in the Special Allocation Fund of the Mandailing Natal Regency Education Office in 2020.
"Yes, that's right, there are two suspects with the initials AGM as the Acting Head of the Education Office for Mandailing Natal and AS as the official commitment maker (PPK) from the results of the case title found sufficient preliminary evidence," said Head of the Legal Information Section of the North Sumatra Prosecutor's Office Yos A Tarigan in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Monday, October 16.
AGM and AS were named suspects in the implementation of the 2020 DAK activity of the Mandailing Natal Regency Education Office, North Sumatra, with a budget ceiling of Rp. 17,055,075,996 which was used for the study activity studio (SKB), the field of education for children aged here (PAUD), elementary school (SD), and the field of junior high school (SMP).
"Where the number of physical DAK recipients is 54 schools including 27 elementary schools, 14 junior high schools, 12 kindergartens/PAUD schools, and 1 school SKB," said Yos.
Then, he said, for the use of physical activities and the procurement of classroom rehabilitation equipment, construction of new classrooms (RKB), construction of latrines or school toilets, and procurement of school equipment.
"The team has found sufficient preliminary evidence in the case, a number of parties related to this matter were summoned for questioning and further a case was carried out on the results of the examination of the case," he said.
"In addition, based on the findings of the examination by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), there has been a state financial loss due to the implementation of the Physical DAK of the Education Office in Mandailing Natal Regency in 2020," he explained.
"When the calculation of state losses has been completed, we will convey it," said Yos.
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