
YOGYAKARTA The government has changed the Work Accident Insurance (JKK) contribution scheme which will take effect as of October 6, 2023. The change is stipulated through Government Regulation (PP) No 49/2023 concerning the Second Amendment to PP No 44/2015 concerning the Implementation of Work Accident Insurance and Death Security Programs. The JKK was determined and promulgated on October 6, 2023.

Changes to the JKK scheme are stipulated through Government Regulation (PP) No. 49 of 2023 concerning the Second Amendment to PP Number 44 of 2015 concerning the Implementation of Work Accident Insurance Program and Death Security set October 6, 2023.

"The JKK contribution as referred to in Article 16 paragraph (1) is recomposed for the wage for job loss of contributions of 0.14 percent," reads article 16A of the regulation.

Article 16 of PP No. 44/2015 paragraph (1) stipulates that the JKK contribution for beneficiaries is grouped into 5 groups with the risk level of the work environment, which is as follows.

With the change in PP No 49/2023, in Article 16A paragraph (1), the JKK contributions per risk group are now in effect as follows.

In the revised PP, it is also explained that the amount of JKK contributions as referred to in paragraph (1) applies to obligatory and registered beneficiaries as participants in the job loss guarantee program.

However, the amount of contributions is not recomposed for beneficiaries who are not participants in the job loss guarantee program or beneficiaries whose fees have been suspended by employers, apart from state officials until the PP is promulgated and the payment has not been paid to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

Especially for participants with these criteria, the JKK contributions regulated in PP No. 44/2015 still apply as mentioned above.

As is known, the Work Accident Insurance (JKK) program is an income protection program in the form of health recovery and compensation services for workers who experience illness, defects, deaths from illness, or accidents caused by work.

Quoted from the Pocket Book 5: The understanding of JKK and JKM Job Accident Insurance and Death Security, the JKK and JKM Program applies to all workers and aims to provide protection for work accidents and the death of workers who are universal. However, starting in 2015 the program is regulated according to the type of work of the Participants, namely as follows.

That's information related to the Work Accident Insurance scheme. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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