Kendari Police, Southeast Sulawesi, collaborated with the Forensic Laboratory (Bidlabfor) of the South Sulawesi Police to investigate the alleged shooting of an unknown person (OTK) against the home of a PDI-P politician in Southeast Sulawesi on Jalan Lumba-lumba, Kendari City.
Kasatreskrim Kendari Police AKP Fitrayadi said his party carried out an in-depth examination of the damage to the house of PDI-P politician Fajar Hasan by involving a team from the South Sulawesi Regional Police Bidlabfor.
"We have coordinated with the South Sulawesi Regional Police's Bidlabfor. Regarding the results, we are still waiting for the Bidlabfor because the crime scene has been processed," said Fitrayadi in Kendari, as reported by Antara, Sunday, October 8.
The Bidlabfor Team of the South Sulawesi Police has conducted an investigation and is waiting for an estimated time of 5 days to issue the results of the damage to the house.
Fitrayadi said that at this time he could not determine whether the damage to Fajar Hasan's window was a form of a crime or something else before the South Sulawesi Regional Police's Bidlabfor issued the results of the investigation.
"In the meantime, the leaking of the glass was due to pressure from small objects. However, we are still waiting for the results from the South Sulawesi Regional Police's Bidlabfor," he explained.
Previously, Kendari Police Chief Kombes Muhammad Eka Fathurrahman in Kendari, Friday, said that his party received a complaint about the alleged shooting of Fajar Hasan's window at 15.00 WITA.
"Someone reported to Porlesta at his residence that there was a window damage," said Kombes Pol. Eka Fathurrahman.
After receiving the complaint, his party then went to the crime scene (TKP) and immediately processed the crime scene. Found on the second floor of the house of a candidate for DPR RI member there was damage in the form of a hole.
"When we processed the crime scene, we found that the owner of the house was in the name of Fajar Hasan, a legislative candidate from one of the parties. We found that on the second floor of the house there was damage in the form of a high hole or approximately 2 centimeters long with a width of 1 cm," he said.
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