
YOGYAKARTA - The government has imposed an obligation on companies to report job vacancies through the employment information system. The company's mandatory regulation to report job vacancies has been signed by President Jokowi and issued in Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 57 concerning Mandatory Reports of Job Vacancies.

Perpres tersebut mengatur perusahaan wajib melaporkan situasi kerja baik dalam maupun luar negeri. Sanksi akan dikenakan apabila pemberi pekerja tidak mematuhi aturan tersebut, baik perseduaian, pengusaha, badan hukum, atau badan-badan lainnya. Lantas bagaimana isi aturan perusahaan wajib lapor situasi kerja?

The Presidential Regulation is required to report that job vacancies are implemented with the aim of improving labor placement services in one work market unit. Therefore, this provision not only regulates job vacancies from within the country, but also those from abroad.

Provisions regarding domestic vacancies as stipulated in Article 4, employers must report vacancies through the employment information system. The information system in question is managed by the ministry that organizes employment affairs, namely the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker).

Article 5 paragraph 1, states that reporting must contain the identity of the employer; name, position and number of workers needed, and the validity period of job vacancies.

Reporting job vacancies must also contain job information, ranging from age, gender, education, skills and competence, work experience, wages or salaries, work area domicile and other information.

"In the event that job vacancies have been filled, employers are required to report to the minister through the employment information system," wrote Article 6 of the regulation.

The provisions for reports of job vacancies from abroad are carried out in accordance with statutory regulations regarding the placement and protection of Indonesian migrant workers.

Belid also regulates the duties and responsibilities of the central government and local governments to oversee job vacancies reporting activities. The central government is tasked with formulating policies and information management for job vacancies, building, and maintaining, and developing a labor information system to verify job vacancies; disseminate worker vacancies through employment information systems; to monitoring, evaluating to sanctions employers who do not fulfill job vacancies reporting obligations.

Local governments have the task and authority to foster and supervise employers in one area. The tasks in question are to verify and distribute job vacancies through the employment information system; to carry out monitoring, evaluation and sanctions for employers who do not fulfill the obligation to report job vacancies.

Furthermore, the Minister, Governor, or Regent/Mayor has the right to impose sanctions for employers who violate or do not report job vacancies. The administrative sanctions imposed are in the form of a written warning to the employer.

This provision has been regulated in Article 17 which reads: The Minister, governor, or regent/mayor imposes administrative sanctions in the form of a written warning to employers who do not report job vacancies as referred to in Article 4 paragraph (2) and job vacancies that have been filled as referred to in Article 6 in accordance with their authority.

Such is the review of the mandatory reporting rules for job vacancies for employers from within the country and abroad. The government will give awards to employers who fulfill the obligation to report job vacancies, with appreciation in the form of charters and other forms.

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