
A 10-year-old elementary school student with the initials MFN who lives in Batuga District, South Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, suffered serious injuries after being stabbed with a plastic pipe by her 12-year-old schoolmate, with the initials SF. As a result of the attack, the student is now facing the threat of blindness.Batoga Police Chief, Iptu Arman, confirmed that his party had received a report from the victim's parents. Currently, the case is still under investigation. "Yes, the witness is still under investigation. We are still examining witnesses, as well as coordinating with the school and the victim's family," said Arman, Thursday 29 September He said, the victim has now been referred to the Medical Hospital Hasanuddin University (Unhas) in Makassar to undergo surgery to remove a clot of blood that sticks to the Kremlin due to the plastic pipe puncture. Arman, recounted that this tragic event began while the victim was working on the duties of the teacher at the school during the break hours. Without warning, SF came and suddenly attacked with a plastic pipe in the classroom. "The perpetrator suddenly came swinging the plastic pipe, looking for who is good here. My child immediately turned to the side, and his right eye immediately grabbed a plastic pipe," he said. The victim was immediately rushed to the South Buton Hospital because his eyes had been bleeding. After being treated for a day there, the victim was referred to Siloam Hospital, Baubau City. From there, MFN was finally referred to the Makassar Unhas Education Hospital to undergo critical eye surgery. Although medical action has been carried out, the victim remains threatened with 50% to permanent blindness.

The doctor has informed that it is likely that his son will undergo two eye surgery, with the second operation scheduled for October 2. Despite significant medical efforts, the opportunity to fully recover is very thin. Even though the school has shown a proactive response in helping to finance the treatment of its child, and the perpetrator's family also expressed its readiness to take responsibility.

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