
Pope Francis condemned the act of physically condemning or body shaming among the younger generation, admitting he was guilty of having done this when he was a child in Argentina, more than seven decades ago.

Pope Francis made this statement while speaking to students in Asia via video link.

A woman from India told her about how when she was a teenager, she felt embarrassed and humble towards her classmates, because of her weight and body shape and had experienced bullying.

"Regardless of you being fat, thin, short height, the important thing is to live in harmony in the heart. Every man, every woman has their own strengths and we really have to learn to recognize them," he said.

Before answering the woman, who also talked about social media pressure, she told her personal story.

"I remember a friend of mine who was a bit fat and we mocked him instead, I dared to say he was bullied, we had pushed him and he fell," said the Pope.

"When I got home, my father was told about this and he took me to the school friend's house to apologize," the Pope continued.

The Pope further said he was reconnecting with his friend in recent years and learned he had become a Evangelical priest. The man died recently.

On that occasion the Pope also talked about cosmetic surgery while talking to students.

"The plastic operation is useless because its beauty will eventually fade," he said, citing the famous 20th-century Italian actress Anna Magnani who said, "Please don't fix my wrinkles. It took me a long time to get them".

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