
JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi recalled the conditions that occurred in the Rohingya community, prompting concrete action to help them, while attending the UN General Assembly Annual Meeting side event in New York, United States on Thursday.

"The fate of the Rohingya community is still unclear. The global situation and domestic conditions in Myanmar make this issue more complex and difficult. A strong political commitment to resolve this issue is inevitable," said Foreign Minister Retno in a meeting entitled "Have They Forgotten Us? Ensuring Continued Global Solidarity with the Rohingya of Myanmar", in a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Friday, September 22.

Foreign Minister Retno further said that there are two things that need to be done, in order to help the Rohingya refugees. First, encourage political solutions.

"The issue of Rohingya is a humanitarian issue, but very political. Therefore, the only way out for Rohingya is through political solutions," said the Indonesian Foreign Minister.

Foreign Minister Retno explained that solving the Rohingya problem must be an integral that is inseparable from the solution to the political crisis in Myanmar.

Foreign Minister Retno revealed that efforts to have an inclusive national dialogue driven by ASEAN through the 5 Point Consensus must also include a solution for the Rohingya community.

Regarding the issue of the repatriation of Rohingya refugees, Foreign Minister Retno revealed, repatriation must be facilitated voluntarily, safely and with dignity.

Foreign Minister Retno reiterated that on this occasion, ASEAN will continue to help the Rohingya and will never forget it.

The next thing that needs to be done is to ensure the availability of humanitarian aid for the Rohingya. He said, in general, the people of Myanmar need humanitarian assistance. However, assistance for the Rohingya is most needed.

"Currently, more than 1 million Rohingya people are displaced and become refugees. Meanwhile, those who live in the Rakhine area are also facing a very difficult situation. They are vulnerable to being victims of organized crimes," explained the Indonesian Foreign Minister.

Therefore, continued Foreign Minister Retno, support from the international community needs to be strengthened.

"Currently, the Rohingya people are crying in silence. Just because we can't hear their cries, we must not remain silent," said Foreign Minister Retno ending her statement.

It is known that this Rohingya activity was co-sponsored by Indonesia, the United States, Britain, Turkey, Canada, Malaysia, Gambia and Bangladesh.

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