
JAKARTA - PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu ensured that there were no conditions in the approval to make PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin as the prospective vice presidential candidate accompanying Anies Baswedan. Both from internal parties and from the Change Coalition.

"Whether there are conditions or requests, this coalition party states that there are no conditions for all kinds of things that we ask for," said Syaikhu at the PKS DPP, Friday, September 15, evening.

Furthermore, he explained that it was a mechanism in PKS. Where in Article 16 Article 16 Paragraph 2 letter I it is very clear that the determination of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates must go through the syuro assembly mechanism.

Syaikhu also explained that the PKS cooperation certificate did hand over to the presidential candidate to determine who his deputy was. However, he said, the determination would still be brought to the syuro assembly for approval or not.

"Only if it is approved, we will run. Alhamdulillah, I agree with Mr. Muhaimin to accompany Mr. Anies. There are no conditions," he said.

A similar statement was also emphasized by the Deputy Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Ahmad Ali. He emphasized that there were no requirements for the Change coalition at the inauguration of the Anies Baswedan and Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) pairs.

"Why is this coalition not long, not complicated, because there are no debated requirements," said Ali at the PKS DPP Office, Jakarta, Friday, September 15, evening.

Ali also emphasized that the Change Coalition that was built with PKS and PKB did not discuss the matter of power division.

"There is no talking about giving away power, because power is managed together," he said.

According to Ali, the Change Coalition does not prioritize their respective interests at all. Because he said, power must be managed together.

"Because this coalition is PKB, NasDem, and PKS is no longer concerned with the interests of the party," he said

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