Police Are Looking For Owners Of Illegal Oil Wells In Muaro Jambi
Police and residents extinguished the fire on the land of a former illegal oil well in Muaro Jambi, Thursday (7/9/2023) (ANTARA/HO-Humas Muaro Jambi Police)


Jambi Police are looking for the owner of an illegal oil well that caught fire in Bukit Subur Village, South Bahar District, Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi.

Muaro Jambi Police Chief AKBP Muharman Arta in Jambi, Friday, said the police were still looking for the owner of the land with the initials S, and conducted further investigations into witnesses.

"Saat ini belum ada yang diamankan, baru 2 saksi yang diperiksa. Saat ini sedang dilakukan penyelidikan," katanya dilansir ANTARA, Jumat, 8 September.

The burning incident of an illegal oil well in South Bahar occurred on Thursday (7/9) at around 17.30 WIB.

Apparently, this burning illegal oil well was raided and closed by the police in 2022. This illegal oil well is in the middle of an oil palm plantation.

Muharman explained that what caught fire was a former illegal oil well.

At that time, his party received reports of a fire in a former illegal oil well in Bukit Subur Village.

After receiving the report, his party immediately headed to the location. Arriving at the location, it turned out that it was true that there was a fire on the land of a former illegal oil well.

"Immediately, the Sungai Bahar Police team together with residents extinguished the fire. When they arrived at the location, no perpetrators were found," he said.

The fire occurred allegedly because the oil content on the land ignited a fire because there was an object that was flammable and the weather was very hot.

Currently the fire has been extinguished and a police line has been installed. According to information, the land has not been operating for a year since it was raided in 2022.

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