
JAKARTA - Chairman of the PKB DPP Cucun Syamsurijal responded to Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh alias Yenny Wahid's statement that there were many Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) kiai who sympathized with Prabowo Subianto after holding a closed meeting in Kertanegara, Jakarta.

Cucun appealed to the daughter of the late 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur not to claim origin. Because these claims can cause division within NU.

"Don't let us fight such claims. That internally we are how our friends have been communicating with each other, in touch with the kiai, will determine it later," said Cucun at the PKB DPP office, Cikini, Central Jakarta, Thursday, September 7.

The chairman of the PKB faction in the DPR emphasized that currently the NU figure who participated in the 2024 presidential election was Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin. So, he believes, the aspirations of Nahdliyin residents will be entrusted to the contestants, not just supporters.

"Look, it will be separated which one can really be our internal hope, the kiai, the santri, pesantren, all, entrusted to whom, is it entrusted only to someone who is only a supporter, or entrusted to people who are really going to become figures, become leaders," explained Cucun.

"It's Gus Muhaimin who participates in the contestants, if there are more, for example, for example, who will participate in the contest, the NU public or the Nahdliyin people will see who will approach," he added.

Previously, Yenny Wahid said that there were many Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) kiai who sympathized with Prabowo Subianto after holding a closed meeting in Kertanegara, South Jakarta, Wednesday, September 6.

"There are so many NU kiai who have great sympathy for Pak Prabowo," said Yenny.

Regarding the direction of support for the vice presidential candidate, Yenny admitted that she would most likely support Prabowo. Yenny said Prabowo was at the top of the list of candidates for the 2024 presidential election he wanted to support.

However, Yenny has not made a final decision because she has not made spiritual considerations. He revealed, in terms of rational balance, it was his choice to Prabowo because the Minister of Defense had an extraordinary vision regarding Indonesia in the future.

"For us, Pak Prabowo is a top list, so the most important priority (to be supported) is because there are common vision. So, rationally maybe we can already have the same things. We just need to explore the spiritual mechanism first," said the Director of Wahid Institute.

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