JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) was asked by the National Strategy for Corruption Prevention (Stranas PK) to clean up data on recipients of social assistance (bansos). This is because there are hundreds of thousands of people who turn out to receive wages above the minimum so that they do not deserve assistance.
"That there are 493 thousand beneficiaries above the provincial or regional minimum wage," said PK Stranas Implementing Coordinator Pahala Nainggolan at the KPK Anti-Corruption Education Center building, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 5.
Pahala said the number was known from the search for the population identification number (NIK) in the integrated social welfare data (DTKS) which was integrated with the Employment Social Security Administration (BPJS TK). "This means that he is indicated that he actually received wages, he worked, received wages, deserves indications," he said.
It didn't stop there, Stranas PK said there were recipients of social assistance with the status of the state civil apparatus (ASN). "We found around 23.8 thousand," said Pahala.
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The data was obtained based on data matching with the State Civil Service Agency (BKN). This condition makes Stranas PK ask the Ministry of Social Affairs to often update data on social assistance recipients assisted by local governments (Pemda).
This is because information from them is more accurate because they can carry out direct monitoring. Moreover, Pahala revealed that there are IDR 523 billion per month issued by the state.
"Because it's wrong we give it to people who are actually not right," he concluded.
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