
The State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) highlighted the issue of infidelity committed by a number of state servants because the act could violate the code of ethics and statutory regulations.

Chairman of KASN Agus Pramusinto while filling a seminar entitled 'Infidelity of ASN: Forbidden Love, Obstructing Problems' mentions that cases of infidelity are still quite high, especially if you look at data throughout the 2020'2023 period.

During that period, KASN found 172 violations related to household problems, including infidelity. The total ethical violations found by KASN in that period were 676 cases.

He explained that the number of cases was quite high because many people thought that infidelity was a personal matter, even though it involved the ASN code of ethics.

"Some of the factors causing it (the handling of cases of slow infidelity, ed.) include conflicts of interest among interested parties, and the view that infidelity is a personal matter," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 30.

In the same seminar session, Assistant KASN Pangihut Marpaung explained that infidelity was a violation when the perpetrators lived together, and/or had a husband and wife relationship without a legal marriage bond.

The related provisions are regulated in Government Regulation Number 10 of 1983 in conjunction with Government Regulation Number 45 of 1990 concerning Marriage and Divorce Permits for Civil Servants (PNS).

He explained that if there are civil servants who violate the rules, they can be subject to severe disciplinary sanctions as stipulated in Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 concerning Civil Servant Discipline. The severe disciplinary punishment includes a decrease in positions at a lower level for 12 months, his release from office to an executive position for 12 months, or dismissal with respect not at his own request as a civil servant.

He also reminded that ASN infidelity would only harm him not only but also ASN families, agencies, and the Corps.

"In accordance with the valuesASNcore, let's make ASN AKHLAK happen in everyday life," he said.

AKHLAK stands for ASN basic values (core values) which refer to accountability, competence, harmony, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative.

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