
The Governor of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Viktor Bungtilu Laiskodat, highlighted the people's diet. He mentioned the characteristics of the poor, namely taking rice in large portions.

"If you take a lot of rice, it's the poor. But if you take a lot of protein, it's a rich person," Viktor said as reported by Kompas.com, Saturday, August 12.

This was conveyed by Viktor during the commemoration of the second anniversary of the National Food Agency (Bapanas). Also present was Head of Badanas Arief Prasetyo Adi in the activities held in the courtyard of the NTT governor's office.

Vitor said the need to encourage people to eat protein and reduce carbohydrates.

"What is still noisy about rice means we are still poor. The characteristic characteristic of the poor is eating a lot of rice. There are only two launches. While he kissed, he continued to eat rice, it was done repeatedly. Later, after the last time he ate fish and rice," said Viktor, who was greeted by laughter from the participants present..

"In the future, we want to move forward, if necessary, carbohydrates are not available because carbohydrates make you sleepy, blood sugar, and everything is problematic," he said.

Viktor, as reported by Kompas.com, again asked Badanas to start campaigning for protein with a large portion.

"We have everything. Including anchovy which we have taken lightly, it turns out that the protein content is high. Food regulates future generations. If I eat kelor because kelor is one of the magic trees in the world," he said.

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