Khofifah Volunteers Give Support To Prabowo In The 2024 Presidential Election
Volunteer Khofifah East Java declared support for Prabowo's presidential candidate at Tlogo Blitar Field, East Java, Tuesday (8/8/2023) (ANTARA/HO-Relawan Khofifah)


SuRABAYA - Volunteers for Khofifah East Java 2018 provide support to Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto to run in the 2024 presidential election.

"Pak Prabowo has proven his performance as Minister of Defense in the Indonesia Maju cabinet President Joko Widodo. We see Pak Prabowo bringing the spirit of working together to prioritize unity for the sake of fair development," said East Java Volunteer Coordinator Khofifah 2018 Tabiin during the declaration of support to Prabowo's future presidential candidate at Tlogo Blitar Field as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 8.

According to him, the volunteers see Prabowo as having the same vision of cooperation as Khofifah in building Indonesia in the future by involving joint, polite and harmonious work. The support of the volunteers is proof that the community wants Prabowo to lead next.

Volunteers for Khofifah 2018 were present from all regencies/cities in East Java. This support was also given considering that Prabowo's figure remained consistent in building Indonesia with Jokowi.

"We agreed to provide support to Pak Prabowo. The volunteers came from various regencies/cities in East Java. We saw Pak Prabowo like Khofifah's mother in leading East Java, willing to embrace all parties, unite various elements and remove political egos in order to build and work for the community," said Tabiin.

Prabowo's loyalty to President Jokowi was also proven when he led the Ministry of Defense. Prabowo managed to record various achievements so as to have a positive impact on the performance value of President Joko Widodo's government.

"Pak Prabowo's performance was recorded when he was mandated as Minister of Defense. Evidently, he succeeded in having a significant impact on the performance of President Jokowi's government," he said.

The volunteers emphasized that they were ready to guerrilla in inviting the community to support Prabowo in order to lead Indonesia. This guerrilla movement of the volunteers certainly moves with the community in a creative way and attracts support.

"2024 is the right time. Pak Jokowi in various forums stated that it was Pak Prabowo's time. 2024 Wis wayahe Pak Prabowo. Working together for an Advanced Indonesia, from Blitar we are not afraid to support Pak Prabowo," said Tabiin.

The declaration of Khofifah 2018 supporters for Prabowo was attended by thousands of people consisting of supporters of Khofifah East Java 2018 from various regions with the general public.

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