JAKARTA - The convict in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J), Bharada Richard Totaling (Bharada E) has been released from prison. Richard Totaling has been released since Friday, August 4.
"That's right, as of August 4, Totaling has undergone the Conditional Leave (CB) program, and has changed its status from a prisoner to a correctional client," said Head of Public Relations and Protocol of the Directorate General of PAS Kemenkumham, Rika Aprianti to reporters reported by ERA.id Tuesday, August 8.
Bharada E was previously sentenced to 1.5 years in prison in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J.
Regarding this case, the Supreme Court in the cassation decision canceled Ferdy Sambo's death sentence. Ferdy Sambo, the former Head of the Propam Police Division, is now in prison for life.
"The full consideration of the decision will be that we will officially wait for a copy of it (upload, red)," said Head of the Legal and Public Relations Bureau of the Supreme Court Sobandi to reporters, Tuesday, August 8.
اقرأ أيضا:
In the cassation decision, two judges of the Supreme Court (MA) have different opinions or expressed a dissenting opinion regarding the verdict of the former Head of the Propam Police Division Ferdy Sambo from the death penalty to life.
"There are two people who dissented opinions in the case of the defendant FS, namely Jupriyadi and Desnayeti. They did dissenting opinions," said Sobandi.
Although the two judges expressed different opinions, not the other three judges, including Supreme Court Justice Suhadi.
"So he rejects the cassation. It means the death penalty is still there," he said.
"But the decision is to improve (to become, red) for life," continued Sobandi.
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