
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Bina Marga Office has relocated 58 air optical fiber cables underground through an integrated utility network (SJUT) system on Jalan Gajah Mada and Jalan Hayam Wuruk, Gambir, Central Jakarta.

Chairman of the Sub-Corruption Group for Facilities and Infrastructure of the City of the DKI Jakarta Highways Agency, Ahmad Sapi, said that the cable was relocated due to the impact of the construction of MRT Jakarta phase 2A CP 202.

"We have deployed 12 personnel along with two operational vehicles," said Ahmad Sapi in his statement, quoted on Tuesday, August 8.

Ahmad Sapi said, during the relocation, Jalan Gajah Mada and Jalan Hayam Wuruk were closed for five minutes. This is so that the cut cable does not hit the drivers.

"The fiber optic cable that we cut is no longer active. Instead, we relocate the active cable to the underground utility part," he explained.

Furthermore, Ahmad Sapi explained that his party continues to carry out utility networks by gradually lowering air cables underground.

"We do it gradually. Because relocation takes time," said Ahmad Sapi.

The chaotic fiber optic cable hanging in the air is now being questioned because it has caused casualties.

On January 5, a student named Siltan Rif'at Alfatih was caught in an optical fiber cable that stretched on Jalan Pangeran Antasari, South Jakarta and had to be rushed to the hospital. Now, the Sultan has not been declared cured and is still unable to speak as a result of the incident.

Then on Friday, July 28, an online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol) named Vadim was caught in a cable hanging on Jalan Brigadier General Katamso, Palmerah, West Jakarta. Vadim received treatment at the hospital before finally dying.

Responding to this, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono admitted that he had ordered his staff to summon all air cable owners to reorganize their assets so as not to endanger road users.

"Assistant Development with its staff invites all cable owners to be tidied up. Right, as soon as he served as Acting for 1 month, I have reminded you, each must have the same responsibility to build Jakarta," explained Heru, some time ago.

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