JAKARTA - Peru managed to get out to become the best restaurant country in the world and dominated the top 50 list in the 'The World's 50 Best Restaurants' award, by winning the number one title and getting more places in the top 50 than any other city.
Four restaurants in the nation's capital, Lima, are on the list of 50 Best Restaurants. Central is at the top, Maido (6), Kjole (28) and Mayta in (47)
Central Restaurants have served luxurious dishes with typical Peruvian ingredients and techniques over the past 15 years. The restaurant "carried visitors through 15 different Peruvian ecosystems, categorized based on altitude - ranging from 15 meters below the Pacific Ocean to 4,200 meters above Andes," website 50 Best said., reported from CNN July 20.
Central was the first South American restaurant to receive the "Best World" title.
The award, which is considered the 'Oscar' of the world's luxurious meal, was announced in the City of Arts and Sciences, a collection of futuristic spaces designed by well-known architect Santiago Calatrava, in the southern Spanish city of Valencia.
Meanwhile, Spain has six restaurant representatives in the top 50, including dominating the 2, 3 and 4 commemoration through Disfrutar in Barcelona, Diverxo in Madrid and Asador Etxebarri in Atxondo in the Basque region.
Italy, France and Britain also have many representatives on the list this year, each of which has representatives five, four, and three restaurants in succession.
In Asia, the city to watch out for is Bangkok, where two restaurants appeared on this list for the first time. Both are in the top 20: Le Du in 15th place and Gaggan Anand in 17th place.
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From the United States, two New York restaurants managed to make it into the top 50. Atomix moved up to 8th place from 33th place last year. Meanwhile, Le Bernardin's old favorite restaurant, headed by chef Badminton Ripert, is also in the top 50 at No. 44.
It is known, this year's total list comes from 24 countries on five continents, with 12 restaurants that are on the list for the first time.
Restaurants are only allowed to win the highest award just once, after which they will be included in the separate "Best of the Best" award program.
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