Alleged Premeditated Murder, Police Family Shoot Police Visit Bareskrim Today
Bripda Ignatius (Ist)


JAKARTA - The Bripda Ilantius Dwi Frisco Sirage (IDF) family will make a report at Bareskrim Polri, today. The report relates to the alleged criminal act of premeditated murder.

"(The report) is related to Article 340 of the Criminal Code," said Brigadier Ignatius, Jajang's attorney when confirmed, Friday, August 4.

The parties to be reported are two members of the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Police, Bripda IMS and Bripka IG.

The decision behind the plan to make a report was because the family did not believe that the death of Bripda Iantius was only due to negligence.

In addition, on the previous occasion, Jajang also mentioned that there were other indications that Bripda Iantius was indeed a victim of murder. For example, evidence of Bripda Iantius' conversation with his girlfriend explained that the situation at the office was no longer conducive for a long time.

"It seems that there is an element of intent in the declaration. That the weapon has really been prepared. Then there is a pause, witness AN makes a call via a loudspeaker," he said.

Then, the arrival of Bripda Ignatius to witness AN's room which became the scene of the case or TKP was not of his own accord. Instead, requested by Bripda IMS.

"Then the perpetrator was heard, the perpetrator called the victim 'here and here you' then came the victim. Take a long time to go to the room. The perpetrator took a weapon in his bag, swung at the victim," said Jajang.

As a reminder, Bripda Ignatius Dwi Frisco Sirage was shot dead by his colleague. The incident occurred at the Police Flat, Bogor, on Sunday, July 23

From the results of the investigation, Bripda IMS and Bripka IG were found guilty and named suspects.

In this case, Bripda IMS is suspected of under Article 338 and/or 359 of the Criminal Code and/or the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951.

Meanwhile, Brigadier IG is subject to Article 338 in conjunction with 56 and or 359 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with 56 of the Criminal Code and or the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951.

In addition, they are considered to have violated the code of ethics. Both were sanctioned by special placements (patsus) in the Propam Division.

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