
Acting Regent of Aceh Jaya Nurdin forbade the discourse of keuchik (village heads) in the local district to conduct an comparative study to outside the region but only within their own area. " “ I as the regional head have been instructing for training for village heads to be carried out in Aceh Jaya, there is no need to leave the area," said Nurdin in Aceh Jaya, Antara, Tuesday, August 1. Nurdin said, if keuchik need experience from outside parties, they can invite them to Aceh Jaya so that the training is carried out in their own area. "If it takes experience from outside parties, they just invite them to provide the ingredients," he explained in Aceh Jaya,” he said. Nurdin said that the implementation of activities in the regions itself not only saves costs, but can also improve the economy of the people of Aceh Jaya because of the circulation of money in their own territory. My “My goal is to make us more effective and cost-effective, and the money that exists can be circulated in Aceh Jaya to move the wheels of the economy. So I ask the village head and related parties to implement it in Aceh Jaya alone,” said Nurdin. To note, 172 Keuchik (Village Heads) in Aceh Jaya Regency are rumored to be conducting an example study to Yogyakarta in the field of tourism development. The chairman of the All-Indonesian Village Government Association (APDESI) Aceh Jaya, Teuku Ali Munir, confirmed the agenda for the study of examples that will be carried out by keuchik in Aceh Jaya to Ponggok Village, Yogyakarta in 2023. Ali Munir said that the study activity to Ponggok Village, Yogyakarta, was an empirical study to see the developing area.
Ali Munir explained that a previous comparative study to Bandung, West Java by 172 Keuchik had shown results in the ongoing areas of Bumdes and Bumdesma Aceh Jaya. "”Alhamdulillah, so far it has been engaged in the ongoing areas of Bumdes and Bumdesma in Aceh Jaya," said T Ali Munir.

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