Case Of Killing Children For Rewel In Tangerang, Police Snare Perpetrators With Life Imprisonment
NA (21), the perpetrators of the murder of minors were guarded by members of the Tangerang Police Satreskrim when they were shown at a press conference, revealing a murder case in Tangerang. (ANTARA/Azmi Samsul Maarif)


TANGERANG - Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Kasatreskrim) of the Tangerang Police, Kompol Arif Nazzarudin, said that NA (21), the perpetrator of the murder of a minor in Gunung Kaler, Tangerang Regency, was threatened with life imprisonment. "As a result of his actions, we suspect that with multiple articles, namely Article 340 of the Criminal Code, 338 of the Criminal Code, 351 of the Criminal Code paragraph 3, and Article 80 paragraph 3 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 35 of 2014," Arif told reporters in Tangerang, Antara, Tuesday, August 1. According to him, NA, the killer of this stepchild, was charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code, which is a premeditated murder article because it is in accordance with the results of the examination or investigation of the perpetrators. "Because this perpetrator is known to have deliberately abused his continued child with a conscious and intentional condition," he said. The perpetrator NA abused his stepdaughter with the initials NP (8) on Friday, January 28 at around 17.30 WIB at his residence in Tinggulung Village, Tamiang Village, Gunung Kaler District, Tangerang Regency, Banten. The victim was strangled by the perpetrator to death and then his body was thrown into the rice fields around his house. "The suspect strangled and smothered the victim and immediately died at the crime scene (TKP)," he explained. Based on the results of the examination, the perpetrator carried out the torture and abuse because he was annoyed with his son who was crying and fussy. "In addition, the motive for the crime was driven by the difficult economic crush of the family," he said. In handling this case, his party is also still continuing further development related to physiological conditions for the perpetrators.
"We will do a re-examination of Na's statement by coordinating with psychologists for her actions," he said.

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