
CIANJUR - The Regional Revenue Management Agency (BPPD) of Cianjur Regency, West Java, installed hundreds of tapping boxes or transaction recorders in restaurants and restaurants in the region to increase local revenue (PAD) from the restaurant tax sector. Head of the Cianjur Regency BPPD Collection Division, Prihadi, said that currently there are 180 restaurants and restaurants that have a transaction recording device installed, so that tax payments can be easily made. "Installation of transaction recording devices in every restaurant in Cianjur to maximize restaurant taxes because taxpayers cannot manipulate income and taxes that must be paid because each transaction is recorded," he said in Cianjur, Antara, Tuesday, August 1. With the use of these tools, the 2023 restaurant tax target until July has reached 74 percent of the Rp23 billion. His party is optimistic that it can achieve the 100 percent target by the end of the year. Not only restaurant taxes, but BPPD also noted that the target of hotel taxes has reached 64 percent of the Rp12 billion, so the two tax sectors are considered the highest in achievement. "Although it was hit by an earthquake, we are optimistic that the PAD achievement from the tax sector will remain maximal and even a surplus like the previous year," said Prihadi. To boost revenue from other tax sectors, he added, the Cianjur BPPD will send bill letters to taxpayers who have arrears and have not reported regional taxes every month.
"Various efforts have been made to increase PAD from the tax sector, including implementing administrative sanctions of 2 percent per month on taxpayers who are in arrears of regional taxes and submitting tax arrears data to the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK-RI) every year," he said.

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