
The Mataram City Trade Office of West Nusa Tenggara Province will immediately arrange the Mandalika Traditional Market to make it more comfortable, safe and representative for public buying and selling activities. Head of the Mataram City Trade Office (Disdag) Uun Pujianto said the arrangement carried out at the Mandalika Market was the demolition of the concrete table in the center of the market. "The demolition of the concrete table is the desire of the traders so that the stall can be utilized optimally. So far, the stalls are quiet because traders prefer to sell outside the market," he said in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, August 1. In this regard, the Mataram City Disdag is currently coordinating with the Regional Finance Agency (BKD) regarding the asset value of dozens of concrete tables at the Mandalika Market loss. The reason is, the revitalization of the Mandalika Market, which was equipped with a concrete table, is an asset because of its construction from the central government program. "So we have to calculate the value of the assets first before we dismantle them," he said. Uun hopes that after the arrangement, traders will take advantage of the stall so that it can increase market levies, especially in the Mandalika Market and market levies in general with a target of IDR 7.5 billion. "In addition, the existence of traders is also better recorded," he said. Uun further said that apart from the Mandalika Market, a number of traditional markets will also be arranged such as the Sayang-Sayang Market, Dasan Agung and Pagesangan Market. "The budget for each market is around Rp. 190 million to Rp. 200 million, sourced from the Mataram City APBD," he said. According to him, the activities of structuring facilities and infrastructure in each traditional market are adjusted to conditions in the field. For example, for Sayang- Sayang Market, structuring is carried out at the gate as an effort to improve security, toilet and install paving blocks in the parking area. Likewise, at Dasan Agung Market, arrangements are carried out in the parking area by installing paving blocks, including market stalls at Mandalika Market so that when it rains it doesn't make sense.
"Meanwhile, at Pagesangan Market, we repair the damaged and leaking roof. So far, many traders have complained, especially during the rainy season," he said.

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