
JAKARTA - Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, said that there was not a single legal fact that proved that the General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, had violated human rights (HAM).

"What is clear is that there is no single legal fact that Pak Prabowo has violated human rights," Habiburokhman said in a written statement, Monday, July 31.

Habiburokhman responded to a narrative on social media regarding the forced disappearance in cases of past human rights violations that mentioned Prabowo's name.

"Regarding slander on social media about the case of forced disappearance of cryptal clear, Pak Prabowo is not guilty," he said.

Furthermore, Habiburokhman explained, there are four legal facts that explain Prabowo has nothing to do with cases of human rights violations.

"First, there was not a single piece of evidence in the Mawar Team trial which stated Pak Prabowo's involvement as the person who carried out it together, or ordered the kidnapping," he said.

Second, he continued, the decision letter of the Honorary Council of Officers to Prabowo was a suggestion, not a binding decision.

"The Decree of the Honorary Council of Officers Number: KEP/03/VIII/1998/DKP is only opinions and suggestions and thus is not a final and binding decision," he said.

Third, regarding Prabowo's dismissal by President BJ Habibie from the position of Commander of the Army Strategic Reserve Command (Pangkostrad), Habiburokhman said that this was done with a honorable dismissal.

"President BJ Habibie's decision, who is the supreme commander regarding the dismissal of Pak Prabowo, is not a Disrespectful Dismissal, but a Dismissal with respect accompanied by a thank you for Pak Prabowo's services which have been donated while carrying out his duties to the state and nation as an Armed Forces soldier of the Republic of Indonesia," he explained.

Finally, Habiburokhman said that it had been more than 16 years since 2006, the National Commission (Komnas) of Human Rights could not complete the results of the investigation into cases of gross human rights violations of the kidnapping of activists which were declared incomplete by the Attorney General's Office.

"In fact, according to the provisions of Article 20 of Law Number 26 of 2000, Komnas HAM's time to complete the results of the investigation is only 30 days from the receipt of the results of the investigation by the Attorney General's Office," he said.

In addition, he also responded to the statement of PDI-P politician Adian Napitupulu who stated that the public should not elect presidential candidates (candidates) who have a track record of human rights violations.

"We agree with the statement, Adian is a good person and understands the law very well. That is just a normative statement," said Habiburokhman.

Habiburokhman believes that the statement was not addressed to the Gerindra chairman because Prabowo had paired with the PDI-P chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri as a vice presidential candidate in the 2009 presidential election.

In addition, said Habiburokhman, Adian's statement could not be addressed to Prabowo because the Gerindra Party was part of a coalition of parties supporting the government and Prabowo was given the trust as Minister of Defense (Menhan).

"It is also impossible for him to tend to Pak Prabowo because Pak Prabowo was once Mrs. Megawati's vice president and is currently still serving as Minister of Defense in the coalition with PDIP," he concluded.

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