
TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono asked his staff to conduct an evaluation. The arrest incident at the National SAR Agency (Basarnas) which then ensnared the Head of Basarnas Marshal Henri Alfiandi and the Kabasarnas Administration Coordinator Lt. Col. Afri B. C. should not happen again.

"We have to be wary of ourselves with things like that. Don't look at the negative news," Yudo said as quoted in a written statement, Saturday, July 29.

"Let's evaluate together so that in the future it will not happen again within the TNI or TNI soldiers who are on duty outside," he continued.

Yudo also advised Vice Marshal Kusworo who replaced Henri as Head of Basarnas to always remember his origin. This message was also addressed to the Head of the Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) Vice Admiral Irvansyah.

"Please don't let go of the mother. It must still be instilled in each of me, this is the TNI," said Yudo.

Finally, Yudo also asked TNI soldiers who were assigned outside to stay in touch. In fact, if necessary, they must wear TNI uniforms every week.

"Let them be aware, they are still the TNI. They still have TNI instincts, they still have discipline, they still have hierarchy, they still have military honor," he said.

"All TNI who work anywhere must carry the good name of the TNI and that is also the duty of the state," concluded Yudo.

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