
JAKARTA - Two Densus 88 Anti-terror suspects in the death of Bripda Ignatius Dwi Frisco Sirage have been arrested. In fact, one of them was placed in a special place (patsus). "What is clear is that one of the suspects has been arrested, and one suspect has been detained," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters at the DPR-RI building, Thursday, July 27. However, it was not explained in detail that the Bripda IMS or Bripka IG were served. Ramadhan only emphasized that the Bogor Police and Propam Polri handled the case. "The criminal process is handled by the Bogor Police. As for the code of ethics because this adanyalay member of the Densus is a satker at the Headquarters handled by the Divpropam Police Headquarters," he said. So far, a team from the Bogor Resort Police is still investigating the case. The goal is to find out the true nature of the incident. "Currently, Bogor Police investigators are continuing to explore," said Ramadhan. Bripda Ignatius Dwi Frisco Sirage was shot dead by his colleagues, Bripda IMS and Bripka IG. The incident occurred at the Police Flat, Bogor on Sunday, July 23. Densus 88 Anti-terror stated that Bripda Ignatius Dwi Frisco Sirage was shot to death due to the negligence of his colleague. This is because the firearm (senpi) that was removed from the bag suddenly erupted. "What happened was the negligence of the members when they took the weapon out of the bag and then erupted," said Densus 88 spokesman Kombes Aswin Siregar. When the gun erupted, Bripda Ignatius Dwi Frisco Sirage was said to be right in the front direction. So, he was hit by a shot.
However, so far it has not been explained that Bripda IMS or Bripka IG has committed negligence. Because, it is only known that both of them have been named suspects and secured. "Regarding his colleague who was in front of him," said Aswin.

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