
JAKARTA - Maintaining an intake pattern is one of the main things that need to be done by diabetes sufferers. The drastic increase or decrease in blood sugar levels could threaten your life if you don't get immediate treatment.

Therefore, it is very important to increase public awareness regarding this silent killer disease. As well as for the beneficiaries, it is important to know how to meet daily nutrition without the fear of an increase and a drastic drop in sugar levels.

Immam Prabudi, Business Head of OTC Division, Fahrenheit Group Indonesia stated, according to the company's vision and mission, it is committed to the health and quality of life of the community, one of which is for the winners.

"We are trying to provide the most appropriate products for treatment, namely DMensol, which is able to help fulfill the daily nutrition of people suffering from Diabetes. This is our effort to help people get easy and appropriate access to maintain their sugar levels," he explained, Tuesday, July 25.

He added that DMensol was here to help be given up so that he would still get nutrition through a balanced diet.

We created DMensol as a supplement with balanced nutrition, has sufficient fiber, complete vitamins and minerals, low sodium, and does not contain cholesterol. This is certainly an advantage in itself. Because actually, the recommendation for eating for diabetics is more or less the same as recommended healthy eating in general. However, he is involved in the difficulty of looking for a reference choice of food because there are many taboos, so they tend to be afraid to eat certain foods and eventually the nutrition is not fulfilled. We are trying to be a solution to this," explained Immam.

One of the superior ingredients of DMensol is Isomaltulosa. Isomaltulosa is natural carbohydrates found in bit, sugar, and honey plants.

In contrast to sucrose, iso-dultulosa has advantages, namely being absorbed by the body slowly so that it makes you not easily hungry. Therefore, this isoscululosa will make the increase in glucose levels not too high in the normal limit but still provide energy over a long period of time. Then other ingredients are no less important, such as Isomaltulosa, Omega 3 & Omega 6, Protein Whey, Maltodedristrin, Inulin (Chicory), Premics of minerals, Premiks Vitamins, Sodium Kasepinat, etc.

Therefore, Fahrenheit will also always carry out sustainable education regarding the importance of nutritional adequacy for people with Diabetes, one of which is through media briefing so that people can better know the importance of nutritional adequacy for them. As well as for patients, we hope this product can help them improve their quality of life," added Immam.

On the same occasion, dr. Marini Siregar, SpGK, clinical nutrition specialist, explained that diabetes is a disease that we hear, whereas it is actually a dangerous silent killer. Diabetes, both type 1 and 2 diabetes, can cause various complications, namely cardiovascular disease, stroke, neurological disease (neuropathy), kidney disease (nephropathy), and eye disease (retinopathy).

There are two types of diabetes, namely type 1 and 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin hormones in the body that are associated with autoimmune processes and are strongly influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Whereas in type 2 diabetes, the body can produce insulin normally, but insulin can not be used normally. This condition is also known as insulin resistance.

For this reason, people need to get to know the symptoms of diabetes so that they get the right treatment immediately. Some easy-to-recognizable symptoms such as thirst and excessive hunger, frequent urination, sudden weight loss, weakness, fatigue quickly, blurred vision, slowly recovering wounds, itching on the skin, "explained dr. Marini.

Therefore, those who already have risk factors, need to pay more attention to whether these symptoms have begun to be felt by the body. Several risk factors for diabetes include: family history, age (> 45 years), history of gestational diabetes mellitus or giving birth to baby BBL > 4000 gr, excess weight (obesity), lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, and those with a history of cardiovascular disease2.3.

So, if a person has a risk factor for diabetes, he should live a healthy lifestyle, such as the selection of food intake that is balanced with nutritional content and exercise.

"The sports that are carried out do not need to be heavy, can be in the form of healthy roads, running, or cycling. In addition, we must also be able to manage stress, because when stressed, blood sugar levels will increase, so that in the end we will not be able to manage diabetes properly either," explained dr. Marini.

He added again, the public and the people he was involved in also need to stay away from alcohol and cigarettes because both of them were able to trigger diabetes to replicate into more severe diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and eye disease.

Apart from all of that, which is also the main key is paying attention to the intake of healthy foods to be given. Eating healthy is very important, because what we eat affects blood sugar levels. Foods must have balanced nutrients. As much as possible, every time you eat, food intake consists of foods from sources of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables and fruit. Types of carbohydrates that are infiltrated are also important because they greatly affect blood sugar levels. Ideally rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and low in additional sugar, fat or sodium," he added.

"In certain conditions where food intake is not strong, DM patients can also take nutritional supplements so that blood sugar levels are maintained, daily activities can run smoothly and to maintain the quality of life be given," explained dr. Marini.

One type of sugar that can be consumed by diabetes is isomadulosa. Isomaltulosa is a sucrose-like substance, which can last longer, constant in terms of providing the energy needed by the body and the brain when compared to sucrose4.

"Isomaltulosa that enters with food/drinking will be absorbed by the body 26-45% slower than other types of sugar, thus blood sugar is stable and will have a longer saturation effect," he added.

Isomaltulosa has several advantages, such as: enabling a balanced and sustainable energy supply, supporting a low low diet of low glycemics, increasing metabolism, weight management and fat burning, as well as facilitating safe products for teeth 5.

"In essence, this content is one of the keys to the balance of daily nutrients being entangled. The results will be maximized because it is also synergized with Whey, Omega 3, Omega 6, and low sodium," he concluded.

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