
BOGOR - Ganjar Pranowo is considered to have taken concrete actions to develop the creative industry while leading Central Java. This was conveyed by the country's top singer who is also a former vocalist of Dewa-19, Elfonda Mekel or known as Once Mekel while attending the Extrava Ganjar event in Saung Berkah Cibinong Bogor, Saturday, June 22.

At the event which was attended by the 2024 presidential candidate from PDIP Ganjar Pranowo, Once and dozens of Indonesian artists and musicians were optimistic that Ganjar would bring Indonesia's creative industry to be brighter.

"I'm very happy because Pak Ganjar responded based on his knowledge which is quite comprehensive about what happened. So it seems very, it seems that Pak Ganjar understands the problem so that we believe that Pak Ganjar will carry out an action or programs that really move quickly in terms of the creative industry," said the singer of the song Dealova.

From his discussion with Indonesian artists and musicians today, Once saw that Ganjar is a person who can truly communicate with various groups, both the upper and lower classes. He can also clearly and clearly communicate his ideas and ideas.

Ganjar, he said, could communicate what is in society, ideas, aspirations very artificially. According to him, it is very important, because a leader is expected to be the ones who can convey something, then it can be understood and also check everything so that it can really be carried out.

"We really hope that Pak Ganjar can accelerate everything that has started. I believe that if Pak Ganjar leads, Indonesian music will be very bright," he said.

The same thing was conveyed by rapper singer, Young Lex. He said that Ganjar had concrete evidence in an effort to develop the country's creative industry.

"Pak Ganjar not only wants to listen to musicians, but also has done many things related to this creative industry. Yes, although the scale is still in Central Java, but in my opinion that is concrete evidence of his seriousness in advancing the country's creative industry. And maybe it can be brought to a higher scale, namely in Indonesia," he said.

Rapper, who has a hit song called O Aja Ya Kan, added that Ganjar has made many creative hubs in Central Java. He also provides a platform and encouragement as well as support for young musicians to continue working.

"He told me earlier how to kidnap Deep Purple. His work was also out of the box, there was no APBD, looking for officials or CSR to invite Deep Purple. Just sharpened. So, when I met Pak Ganjar, I felt that this person could indeed be talked to and understand creatively too," he concluded.

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