JAKARTA - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week in Ankara, the first visit by an Israeli PM in 15 years.
PM Netanyahu is expected to arrive in the Turkish capital on July 28, to hold talks with President Erdogan on regional and international issues.
It is known that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will also visit Ankara a few days before PM Netanyahu.
"Presiden Recep Tayyip Erdogan akan menyambut Presiden (Otoritas) Palestina Mahmoud Abbas dan Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu di Turki pada minggu yang sama," kata Kantor Kepresidenan, melansir The National News 21 Juli.
The two leaders will discuss "Turkey-Palestinian relations and the latest developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as other important international issues," the statement continued.
PM Netanyahu's office confirmed that this visit was first made by an Israeli Prime Minister since Ehud Olmert in 2008.
Turkey's diplomatic efforts were carried out at a time when the Israeli-Palestinian peace process stalled, with the worst violent background in recent years in the occupied West Bank.
In April, clashes took place at the Al Aqsa Mosque Complex in Jerusalem, where Israeli police fought with Palestinians in the holy place.
اقرأ أيضا:
It is known, President Erdogan said Israel had passed the "red line". He then held talks with Israeli President Isaac Herzog. A few months later, former prime minister Yair Lapid met with President Erdogan in New York.
Apart from Jerusalem, violence in Jenin, West Bank, an Israeli-occupied city has also seen an increase in violence over the past 15 months.
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