JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPA) is still waiting for the autopsy results of Pastor Flo or Florensye Selvin Gaspersz's body to find out the exact cause of death.
"This is still suspected (violence in the household), still waiting for the autopsy results. From the autopsy results, what will be obtained (alleged) the domestic violence," said Deputy for Women's Rights Protection of the Ministry of PPPA Ratna Susianawati in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 18, as reported by Antara.
Ratna said the Ministry of PPPA was still providing assistance to key witnesses in this case.
"We are continuing to accompany key witnesses," he said.
In addition, his party also focuses on efforts to recover the only child from Pastor Flo.
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He said the National Police are currently still trying to collect evidence. "We continue to assist this case according to the promise of the Kapolda, Kajati (to enforce the law)," he said.
Pastor Flo is suspected of experiencing domestic violence (KDRT) which led to death in Southwest Maluku Regency.
The exhumation of the excavation of the body by the Inafis Polri team together with the Maluku Police team was carried out on May 4, 2023.
Meanwhile, the autopsy process takes 4-8 weeks to get accurate results.
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