
JAKARTA - The panel of judges for Corruption at the Central Jakarta District Court rejected the exception or objection note filed by the former Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate in the alleged corruption case in the provision of Base Transceiver Station (BTS) infrastructure. Thus, the trial process continues to the examination stage.

"The trial stated that the exception of the defendant Johnny Gerard Plate's legal advisory team could not be accepted," said the presiding judge at the trial at the Central Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, July 18.

There were several considerations behind the decision of the panel of judges to reject the exception submitted by the defendant Johnny G Plate, one of which was the exepsi file of the former Minister of Communication and Information camp which was included in the main case.

Thus, the panel of judges ordered the public prosecutor (JPU) to continue the examination according to the indictment

"Ordered the public prosecutor to continue examining the case on behalf of Johnny Gerard Plate," said the judge.

Johnny G Plate was charged with causing state losses of Rp. 8 trillion in the corruption case of providing Base Transceiver Station (BTS) 4G infrastructure for 2020-2022.

"Losing state finances or the state economy amounting to Rp8,032,084,133,795.51 or at least this amount is according to the Audit Report on Calculation of State Financial Losses on the alleged corruption of BTS Kominfo in 2020-2022," said the prosecutor.

In the indictment file, the NasDem politician is also said to have received several facilities related to the series of corruption cases. For example, playing golf for free 6 times. Where, the entire bill was paid by the President Director of PT Mora Telematika Indonesia Galumbang Menak Simanjuntak amounting to Rp420 million.

Then, Johnny also received facilities from the President Director of PT Sansaine Exindo Jemy Sutijawan worth IDR 452.5 million around 2022. Form, part of the payment of hotel bills when he was with the team during an official trip to Barcelona, Spain.

Johnny Plate also received similar facilities from the Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy, Irwan Hermawan. At that time, Johnny made official trips to several countries.

"Around 2022, Irwan Hermawan received facilities in the form of some hotel payments with the team during his overseas official trip to Paris, France amounting to Rp453.6 million, London, England amounting to Rp167.6 million, and the United States amounting to Rp404.6 million," said the prosecutor.

In addition, Johnny G Plate also received money from the President Director of Bakti Kominfo, Anang Achmad Latief, amounting to Rp10 billion and Rp1,950 billion. Then, from Irwan Hermawan Rp4 billion.

"The defendant Johnny Gerard Plate (enriched himself) in the amount of Rp. 17,848,308,000," said the prosecutor.

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